Window Cleaning

Professional window cleaning in Clare, Limerick, Galway and Cork

Window Cleaning

Clean Habit successfully partners with one of the foremost window cleaning service providers in Ireland, producing glistening results at a very competitive rate. We engage with you, the client in order to identify and correctly assess your window cleaning needs, then we adapt our process to the specific individual requirements of your organisation.

The process uses a water fed pole window cleaning system which has the ability to reach high rise windows (up to 65ft). This system uses 100% pure deionised water pumped through light weight carbon fibre telescopic poles, thus giving us the ability to reach up to 6 floors without having to use ladders,  making it the safest and most cost effective method of cleaning windows. There is no chance of property damage from ladders and heavy equipment.

We continue to use the traditional window cleaning technique for internal windows

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